Environmental health and mind-body health is central to MAFF’s mission.
We are dedicated to fostering respect for a socially just and ecologically sustainable future that preserves our natural environment for future generations.
The foundation sponsors programs focused on recovering and improving areas and families adversely affected by natural disasters and environmental hazards.
Together with our partners, we aim to repair, restore, and protect natural resources through education, research, and sustainability initiatives.
MAFF strives to inspire environmental advocacy by sponsoring hands-on environmental projects that improve quality of life and health in ecosystems and individuals alike.
Environmental exposomics (the scientific study of the cumulative effects of chemicals and contaminants on humans) is becoming a critical field of study in a world that increasingly demands cheap mass production. MAFF is committed to reducing human exposure to environmental toxins and to spreading public awareness. In partnership with Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment MAFF created a new facility to support research on environmental exposure.
A special greenhouse initiative, dedicated to the Eagle Scouts – serves as a teaching garden and grows food for the organic heritage garden at St. Joseph Villa, which generates food donated to the St. Rosalie’s Community Food Pantry for those in need. This greenhouse extends the growing season, allowing gardening in any weather, and provides protection from pests. It has brought food security and protected the natural beauty and neighborhood culture of Hampton Bays.